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Social Media Marketing - Tyler ConsultantsFew people would disagree that Social Media is here to stay. The actual social media networks or platforms will no doubt continue to change and evolve but people will continue to use social media both to communicate and share knowledge with their friend and families.

Social Media has also changed the way we make our buying decisions. Very few people now make any sort of product purchase without doing some research about the product on the internet.  Your customers will undoubtedly research online and compare the results of what they find to help them make an informed buying decision. Social Media sites such as forums and blogs are now used by many people to both research a product and the reputation of the seller before making the final decision of where to buy.

Many sales staff will view these changes in the buying habits of the customer as a threat, but the reality is they shouldn’t – they can provide a great opportunity and a new route to market.

Social selling” as it is known uses the latest web technologies to deliver insight and value to buyers from within their own ‘sphere of influence’.  Social Media can also let you see what customers are looking for, what their problems are and where they go to find their answers.

Here are five steps to help you win business by applying the power of social selling:

1.         Make sure you know your target market

Developing relationships with customers and prospects is a core part of the sales process for any business. The first step in using social media as a sales tool is to identify the key decision makers in your target market and work out their level of online engagement. Which social media networks do they use? How active are they on them?

2.         Research and build your knowledge

Spend time looking at the social media profiles of your target customers.  Gaining knowledge is critical when making an online connection. You need a planned strategy to listen to what your target market is talking about online. Establish what their challenges and interests are and by joining their online conversations you can become part of their sphere of influence when making their buying decisions.  You can establish yourself as a trusted supplier.

3.         Plan your content

Now you know what your target market wants, you need to share relevant, quality content with them. Create a content marketing plan that addresses the key topics and issues they are talking about. Not all the content you share needs to be your own, you can share other industry relevant content – but make sure you give credit to the source of any third party content.

4.         Become the ‘Go To’ source

When you have established yourself as a trusted source of information, and an expert in your field you can start to develop your sphere of influence. Avoid posting ‘sales driven’ content.  Your content on Social Media should be helpful, approachable and add knowledge and value to your readers.  By posting quality content you will quickly establish yourself as an authority in your subject not only with your readers but also with the search engines.

5.         Measure Progress and adjust your strategy as required

You can use various tracking technologies and software programs to review the levels of online engagement with your social media content. You will be able to see what works best, what content is most popular (page views) and critically what content created by you is being shared by your readers with their followers and friends.  By sharing your content your readers will help you to reach a wider audience to further reinforce your position as an expert in your field.

With some social media platforms such as LinkedIn you will receive regular updates which help you monitor ‘sales opportunity’ events within your online community such as job changes, comments on your posts or when people join the same groups as you.

In selling, you need to be part of your buyer’s journey from the very early stages if you want to influence their buying decision.

A well-developed social media marketing strategy that proactively helps your customers through their buying journey will increase your chance of making a sale.

If you would like to learn more about social media marketing and how it can help your business please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877

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