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Founded in 1998, we are a full-service marketing company and design agency with a focus to help companies get the most from their marketing potential. We also specialise in web design in Brighton, UK. Over the years we have produced a solid reputation for building and designing websites that look modern and are exceptionally easy to use. With this experience and knowledge we know exactly what aspects and factors you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right web design company for your business.

As a business owner you will no doubt already know that in order to succeed within an incredibly strong competitive market you will need to be able to offer the best brand experience for all of your loyal and potential customers. During the past decade the way companies market their brand has changed significantly as a result of social media platforms and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

These new methods of browsing and buying have allowed consumers increased power to choose the brand they wish to commit too. This new type of consumer can often leave business owners with the fundamental task of finding the right and best website design company to deliver their company’s message to their targeted audience and potential customers in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Across the UK there are hundreds of web design companies popping up here, there, and everywhere, which means there are plenty to choose from, but how can you decide which one is right for you? Without a strong and user friendly web design, you are unfortunately placing both your company and brand at a disadvantage if you are trying to grow your company’s brand online.

There is an abundance of professional website design companies in Brighton, London, Edinburgh and all other major cities, but many don’t understand that a clean and effective website is well designed website that can help you grow your business and brand with ease.

So before you start to work your way through the mountain of web design companies out there, it is important to understand what basic things you should always expect and what they should be doing for you.

  • Design your website’s physical design such as layout, colours, etc.
  • Setup your websites CMS.
  • Place any static web pages that you may need.
  • Setup a control panel or publishing page where you can add new content/products
  • Provide you with any logins and passwords to the CMS so you can edit the website.
  • Inform you of how to use the CMS if you don’t understand.

Now that you understand a little more about what to expect from your web design company, it time to think about where they are based. If your company is situated in Brighton, a web design company in Brighton is preferred, as they are close and meetings can be arranged quickly and easily.

Below you will find five quick tips on how to choose the right web design company for your business and brand.

  1. Take a look at a company’s web design portfolio.

As like many artists, web designers all come with their own bespoke design style. This means you will more than likely find a designer who creates websites with the exact look that you want for your company branding. If you have found a designer or a company, make sure that you browse through the samples of websites on their portfolio.

  1. Communicate with the web design company, tell them what it is that you need.

As with any good service, you expect them to be honest. A good designer should be entirely honest with you and tell you exactly how capable they are at achieving what you are looking for. The true sign of a good designer is that they will talk about your company, your services and products to gain a real insight on what angles to take when designing your website.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company that promises to put your website on the first page of Google.

Placing your website on the front page and the first rank of Google is not your website designers job. Their job is to design and to provide you with the necessary tools so that your website has the potential to get to the front page of Google and other search engines. Any designer or company who promises the first page of Google in their sales package should be avoided.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company who will charge you to make updates.

Every website on the world wide web is continually in progress. When a website is ‘finished’ it never truly is, as new products and content should be added on a regular basis. This means, if you are a company that needs to update their website with new content and products each week or month, you do not want to be spending a fortune updating it.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company who designs websites all in Flash.

Many of us are aware that Google can search Flash websites, but they often come across tacky and dated. It increases website load time significantly (which may hurt your ranking), they don’t work on all browsers, they certainly do not work on some mobile devices and flash websites are not always user friendly.

If you would like to know more about our web design services in Brighton please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877

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